AS number details


Abari Communications  ·

  • bittorrent

AS37395 – Abari Communications

Field Value
Country Botswana
Hosted domains 33
Number of IPv4 9,216
Number of IPv6 79,228,162,514,264,337,593,543,950,336
ASN type ISP
Registry afrinic
Allocated 12 years ago on Nov 17, 2011
Updated 2 years ago on May 12, 2022
Netblock Company Num of IPs Abari Communications 8,192 Abari Communications 256 Abari Communications 256 Abari Communications 256 Abari Communications 1,024
Netblock Company
2c0f:fac8::/32 Abari Communications
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WHOIS Details

aut-num:        AS37395
as-name:        ABARI
descr:          Abari Communications
status:         ASSIGNED
admin-c:        KT20-AFRINIC
admin-c:        LM11-AFRINIC
tech-c:         KT20-AFRINIC
tech-c:         LM11-AFRINIC
tech-c:         MB87-AFRINIC
org:            ORG-AC3-AFRINIC
mnt-by:         AFRINIC-HM-MNT
mnt-lower:      ABARI-MNT
mnt-routes:     ABARI-MNT
notify:         ***
notify:         ***
notify:         ***
changed:        *** 20111117
changed:        *** 20131123
changed:        *** 20131212
changed:        *** 20151027
changed:        *** 20170118
changed:        *** 20191106
changed:        *** 20210301
changed:        *** 20211025
changed:        *** 20220512
source:         AFRINIC

organisation:   ORG-AC3-AFRINIC
org-name:       Abari Communications
org-type:       LIR
country:        BW
address:        ***
address:        ***
address:        ***
address:        ***
address:        Gaborone
e-mail:         ***
e-mail:         ***
e-mail:         ***
phone:          tel:+267.........
phone:          tel:+267.........
phone:          tel:+267.........
fax-no:         tel:+267.........
admin-c:        KT20-AFRINIC
admin-c:        LM11-AFRINIC
tech-c:         KT20-AFRINIC
tech-c:         LM11-AFRINIC
tech-c:         MB87-AFRINIC
mnt-ref:        AFRINIC-HM-MNT
mnt-ref:        ABARI-MNT
mnt-by:         AFRINIC-HM-MNT
notify:         ***
changed:        *** 20111021
changed:        *** 20130709
changed:        *** 20130722
changed:        *** 20130806
changed:        *** 20141007
changed:        *** 20170117
changed:        *** 20170629
changed:        *** 20170705
changed:        *** 20180314
changed:        *** 20180919
changed:        *** 20191014
changed:        *** 20191014
changed:        *** 20210225
changed:        *** 20210301
changed:        *** 20211025
changed:        *** 20220511
changed:        *** 20220516
source:         AFRINIC

person:         Moletanyi Boobokae
address:        Plot 69184, Block 8
address:        1st Floor, Iconic Building
address:        Botswana Innovation Hub Science & Technology Park
address:        P.O. Box AE870AEH
address:        Gaborone
address:        Botswana
phone:          tel:+267-391-6104
nic-hdl:        MB87-AFRINIC
changed: 20220511
source:         AFRINIC

person:         Lawrence Muzanenhamo
nic-hdl:        LM11-AFRINIC
address:        Plot 69184, Block 8
address:        1st Floor, Iconic Building
address:        Botswana Innovation Hub Science & Technology Park
address:        P.O. Box AE870AEH
address:        Gaborone
address:        Botswana
phone:          tel:+267-391-6104
phone:          tel:+267-76-900-068
changed: 20110927
changed: 20130603
changed: 20130709
changed: 20170116
changed: 20210225
changed: 20220509
source:         AFRINIC

person:         Kagiso Tapela
address:        Plot 69184, Block 8
address:        1st Floor, Iconic Building
address:        Botswana Innovation Hub Science & Technology Park
address:        P.O. Box AE870AEH
address:        Gaborone
address:        Botswana
phone:          tel:+267-391-6104
phone:          tel:+267-76-900-063
nic-hdl:        KT20-AFRINIC
changed: 20211022
source:         AFRINIC

mntner:         AFRINIC-HM-MNT
descr:          AfriNIC RS
admin-c:        CA25-AFRINIC
tech-c:         MG15-AFRINIC
auth:           PGPKEY-F00D1555
auth:           PGPKEY-D9261728
auth:           PGPKEY-6A5732B9
auth:           PGPKEY-30FF1E90
auth:           PGPKEY-B7599911
mnt-by:         AFRINIC-HM-MNT
source:         AFRINIC # Filtered
Get this data and more with IPinfo's Whois product - effortless access to POCs, ORGs, and Networks, for actionable intelligence.

Hosted Domains

There are 33 domain names hosted across 10 IP addresses on this ASN.

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There are 30 peers for this ASN.

Peers Name
AS16552 Tiggee LLC
AS199524 G-Core Labs S.A.
AS23764 CTGNet
AS24482 SG.GS
AS32437 Webdev CC T/A Cybertek
AS3257 GTT Communications Inc.
AS32653 eNetworks cc
AS327804 Municipal Network Services
AS327960 PC Maniacs (Pty) Ltd
AS327983 Interworks Wireless Solutions
AS328206 Johannesburg Area Wireless User Group (JAWUG)
AS328266 Atomic (Pty) Ltd
AS328320 Kurlec Wireless (PTY) Ltd
AS328474 Jebo Connect Pty Ltd
AS328512 Backspace Technologies (Pty) Ltd
AS329035 Telsense
AS329078 Abari Communications
AS36236 NetActuate, Inc
AS37100 SEACOM Limited
AS37239 ICTGlobe Management (Pty) Ltd
AS37468 Angola Cables
AS37497 Network Platforms (PTY) LTD
AS37680 Cool Ideas Service Provider (Pty) Ltd
AS37721 Virtual Technologies & Solutions
AS39120 Convergenze S.p.A.
AS49544 B.V
AS6774 Belgacom International Carrier Services SA
AS917 Misaka Network, Inc.
Get this data and more insights on related domains, allocation dates, registry names, IP counts with IPinfo's IP-to-ASN product.


There are 3 upstreams for this ASN.

upstreams Name
AS23764 CTGNet
AS3257 GTT Communications Inc.
AS37100 SEACOM Limited
Get this data and more insights on related domains, allocation dates, registry names, IP counts with IPinfo's IP-to-ASN product.


There is 1 peer for this ASN.

Downstreams Name
AS329078 Abari Communications
Get this data and more insights on related domains, allocation dates, registry names, IP counts with IPinfo's IP-to-ASN product.

Related Networks

What is an ASN?

Autonomous System Numbers (ASNs) are assigned to entities such as Internet Service Providers and other large organizations that control blocks of IP addresses. This network page, and the organization field that's shown on the main IP address information page and also returned in the geolocation API are based on the ASN.

The ASN details will often correspond to the IP address owner, but for smaller organizations it may be that organization's parent, or their ISP. Find out more about AS37395 at robtex.

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